Friday, December 5, 2008


This week, the county attorney spoke at my church, telling us about a grassroots movement happening within our community. In her new capacity as the county attorney, Hillary has been struck by the living conditions of some in our community...poverty, poor parenting, etc. She and a friend started gathering information about the things that churches and organizations are already doing to help the needy around us, then began to develop connections between all of these entities so that we're all on the same page and not duplicating services. It was a really inspirational thing to hear...I mean the kind of inspiration that makes you believe that problems are surmountable and changeable! It's so wonderful that this woman from Wyoming ended up in Kansas, met up with another astute observer, and together their story became "let's change this." Hillary and her friend began intersecting the stories of congregations and agencies, so that together we all intersect the stories of the downtrodden and needy...which changes the ending for all of us.

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