Saturday, April 14, 2012

Power in Prayer

"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16b

Once again, I was healing from a series of bad choices. I was growing closer to God, loving my kids, and doing well at my job. I was at a place where I was content with all of that. But, I suspect that friends and family were praying for me, especially my sweet but super-strong little grandmother! I think their prayers were for the boys and I to do well, and more specifically for us to have a good person added to our lives. And God heard. And God delivered!

Way back in May 1999, I got my first computer in order to help me complete my first master's degree. One weekend, my sisters came for a visit, and we were goofing around with this novelty known as 'the internet!' One of my sisters had heard of a site that you could sign up for, and it would match you with similar people for pen-pal purposes. We all tried it, and it was fun to see who matched with each of us. One of the people I matched with was a cute little English fellow named Clive. I figured it would be interesting to find out more about England, so I sent an introductory letter. We began exchanging daily letters, and it was really nice to find out about the schools and politics in England and have someone to tell about the ins-and-outs of life as a mother-teacher-student! We honestly thought we'd never meet, and as friends, gave each other dating and other advice.

The daily letters continued through the summer and into the fall. One September day, Clive asked if he thought we could figure out the time difference and talk on the phone sometime. After figuring it all out, one night when I got home from classes, he called me (early morning for him). I instantly liked his accent, of course, and we shyly talked for awhile. It was weird to know someone so well through letters, but to be speaking to each other for the first time. From there, we took turns calling each other about once a week. I remember telling one of my sisters that it was such a shame that I'd never meet Clive, because he was such a genuine and sweet guy.

In early November, Clive surprised me--he told me he had a sailing trip planned and had gotten a plane ticket and time off of work, but asked what I thought about him changing his ticket to LA instead, since he'd never been there. I was thrilled! He came for a week-long visit in December, and I remember when our eyes locked for the first time as he exited the LAX international flight area. I felt a little 'jolt' in my heart, and I still feel it every time I remember that moment! My sisters watched the boys as I picked Clive up; we went out to dinner, then I took him by my house to meet everyone before dropping him off at his motel. When I got back after dropping him off, my sisters wanted every detail! They really liked him, and the boys thought he was nice, too, so it was a great first meeting.

By the end of that week, we definitely liked each other, and Clive started visiting every other month. He was even generous enough to buy me a plane ticket to England to meet his friends and family. He proposed on one of his visits to the US, and we began the long journey through the government requirements for a fiance visa.

We were fortunate because our families got along very well; our parents had been able to meet each other and had a great time, and our siblings liked each other, too. His parents were very accepting of and kind to my sons, which I really appreciated. When I think about the odds of our paths crossing, then that our families meshed so well together, and that Clive had to put himself out there to go through all of the fiance visa hoops at the American Embassy in London, I'm amazed at the things that our heavenly Father does for us!

Clive was finally approved for a fiance visa in the summer of 2000, and we were married in October 2000--a month after my oldest son turned 13, with my youngest son turning 3 a month after we were married...Clive was a brave guy! So there we were, an instant family of 5, put together through the prayers of righteous men and women!

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