Friday, March 23, 2012

Prayer Chain Gang

"...And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to." 1 Timothy 5:13

Tim got extradited to California, and I moved back with my parents, right around the time the "Local Man Arrested For Using False Name" article appeared on the front page of the paper. Then the phone calls began...I heard from people I hadn't talked to since high school and from people I didn't really even know! They all started with small talk, then worked up to the 'what in the world is going on with what I read in the paper' angle, wrapping up with the promises of prayers and keeping in touch. I'm not saying that every person who called was insincere, but the intrusive conversations did wear a little thin, and usually once they got the story, the callers didn't call back. I finally stopped accepting calls, and my parents were gracious screeners. Who knows how many similar conversations they suffered as well?!

I must commend my church family...during this crazy, unusual, small-town-gossip-inviting time, most of the people just quietly helped my son, parents, sisters, and I. They didn't pry, question, or intrude, just supported. Love in action.

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