Friday, December 30, 2011

Good Medicine

Psalm 126:2--our mouths were filled with laughter...

Maybe your family is like mine...we tend to laugh to relieve tension or hide embarrassment--even during inappropriate times, like prayer, church, and other serious moments!

So, in this most tense-filled of moments, as my husband was behind bars, I was pregnant, and the future was very uncertain, my mom and I sat in the front lobby of the county sheriff's office. This was new territory for us, all the way around! My mom and I whispered quietly, she trying to be pretty light-hearted about everything, and we started wondering if we were being filmed or audio-recorded. That made us a little cautious, but also a little giggly....and the situation grew in unusual hilarity when my mom started wanting to use the bathroom, but wondered if she would be filmed or recorded in the bathroom! While it sounds ridiculous now, at the moment it really was cathartic. It got the nerves calmed a little, and it also made me appreciate my mom a lot more than I had been. I 'm sure she would've rather been curled up in a ball in the corner, crying over what a mess her daughter was in, but instead she was giggling about being recorded in the bathroom! Now that's love....

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