Friday, July 8, 2011

Should've listened to Jeremiah

In Jeremiah 17:5, it says, "This is what the LORD says: 'Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD'." Wow. I was depending on flesh for my strength, in the form of my husband. Someone who had already proved to be dishonest, unreliable, and unrealistic. Dumb! Anyone reading this, I strongly urge you to trust in and depend on the LORD first and foremost!!

Tim would vacillate between acting like he was my protector and telling me he was going to leave. In my state, where I literally had nothing 'solid' in my life, I clung to him out of desperation.

He had an uncanny way of talking people into doing things, so even when our finances were really low and we weren't sure what our next move was, he would come up with some plan and we'd end up making it through yet another day or situation. He traded things, talked restaurant managers and store owners into deals or free things, and who knows what else? But despite this 'gift,' we knew we couldn't aimlessly ride around for much longer. We returned to Kansas, living with some of my friends, to plan our next move. While the situation wasn't ideal, for me it was a little bit of a relief to return to some familiarity.

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