Friday, July 8, 2011

I've Been Working on the Railroad....

When I think back on the whole course of actions and decisions Tim and I took, we really selfishly railroaded over what anyone else thought or felt. He goaded his friend into leaving their carnival jobs to return home with me, when I'm sure Brad would have much rather stayed where they were working. By the time Tim and I came up with the whole marriage-then-onto-Cali plan, Brad had had enough...he agreed to be the best man, but then he was hitting the road for himself. I never knew what happened to him after that, but he comes to mind once in awhile. He was a very unique character!

I railroaded people too: First my friends, having them drive us around, making them accept these two carneys they didn't know, probably freaking them out with my sudden marriage plans; then my family--making them either accept that I was getting married or just not be a part of it. It makes me really sad when I think of the conversations people tried to have with me in order to reason me out of my plans...they loved me, but I didn't accept their love or wisdom.

A church wedding was thrown together; later, looking at the wedding photos, I can see a 'well, God's gonna get us through this' look on all of my family and friends' faces! My mom and dad gave us plane tickets to California for a wedding gift, not because they wanted us to go, but because we were planning to get there possibly by hitch-hiking, so my parents wanted me to get there alive if I was so determined to get there! Our reason for going was that Tim had big plans for making it rich with some big carnival at a major fair out in California. After all, he'd read about it in some entertainment magazine somewhere...a quick look at Proverbs 15:22 might have helped: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."

We flew off to California, with a total lack of counsel!

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